The Palatine Families of New York
subtitle A Study of the German Immigrants Who Arrived in Colonial
New York in 1710
author: Henry Z. Jones, Jr
publisher: Universal City CA 1985
note: Jones has published updates to this volume. The Teeple info,
unfortunately, has not had any additions since the original version
of 1985.
From p. 159, Johannes Diewel
(Hunter Lists #128)
Here's the person that most Teeple
researchers believe to be their immigrant ancestor. A brief exerpt
from the page reads, 'Johannes Diebel first appeared on the Hunter
Lists 4 July 1710 with 2 pers. over 10 yrs. of age and 1 pers.
under 10 yrs; . . . The family name
was called Diebel in most entries, Diewel in just a few. Johannes
Deible aged 38 and Anna Catharina Deible aged 7 were listed together
in N.Y. City in 1710/11 (Palatines in N.Y. City). Johannes Tibel,
widower of the Graffschap v. Hoogsolmes, Md. 15 Feb 1711 Margritje
Eringer, wid/o Anthony Smit of the Graffschap Welburg (N.Y. City
Ref. Chbk.) . . . I could go on
and copy out the rest, but that's not fair to Henry Jones. Let
me just say that he makes the suggestion that George and Lucas
were Diewel's first sons and that Johannes was a son by his second
wife Margritje.
From p. 160, Johan Peter
Diewel (Hunter Lists #129)
Teeple researchers
don't pay much attention to this person as a possible ancestor.
A brief exerpt from the page reads, 'Johan Peter Diepel, his wife,
and 3 ch. were in the 6th party in Holland in 1709 (Rotterdam
Lists). There was a Hans Peter, s/o Hans Valentin Deipel and wife
Anna Ottilia Frölich, bpt. 16 April 1689 at 6762 Oberndorf;
this village was home to the N.Y. Spohns and some of the emigrant
Frölichs, but more research is needed to firmly determine
that this child is our Rhinebeck settler (HJ).'
Jones comments that there were other Dippel-Teeple families in the N.Y. City area who are difficult to fit in to either #128 or #129. He mentions Anna Barbara daughter of Philipp Dippel and he mentions Anna Margareta Dippels. You'll have to read the details for yourself.