Early Germans of New Jersey

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From Hermann Theodore F. Chambers, Early Germans of New Jersey , pub. 1895, p. 524-525


     George came from Germany about 1700, and bought a farm near Pluckamin, previously owned by Morris Cramer. His son George m. Margaret Castner, 10 Jan 1756; they both died 17 March, 1813. The former may be the Hans George Debele, a widower, who m. 1739, "6th Sunday after Pasch;" Maria Barbara, widow of Hans Jurgen Seifferlie, "his first wife died soon after his arrival here." [Records Luth. Ch., N. Y.].

     Johannes Taeuble is in New York 1710, at 30 years of age, and one of the Palatines of the second emigration. He is, perhaps, the father of George Lucas, of Bridgewater, and John, of Freehold.

     George signs Weygand's call 1749, and Lucas, George, Christopher, George again, and John sign subscription for Bedminster Church 1756.

     Lucas Teeple, of Bridgewater, whose will, dated 20 Aug 1764 (codicil, 16 Nov 1773), prob. 26 Jan 1774, names wife Mary and ch.:
      I John and his son, Luke
     II Christopher and his eldest son, Luke
     III Peter and his son, Luke
     IV Ursula, m. John Appleman
      V Peggy and her sons. Sons-in-law John Meyer and Jacob Fusler, and the latter's son, Luke

     Miscellaneous: Peter Teeple is buried at Quakertown with his wife Sarah. He was b. 1749, d. 29 Nov 1834, at 85. She was b. 1754, d. 14 Apr, 1852, at 98.

Other Pages where Teeples are Mentioned Briefly

p. 37-38: "At Pluckamin the Lutheran Church was supported by the Appelmans, Castners, Teeples, Eoffs, Folks, Fishers, Gillings, Henrys, Kings, Loders, Moelicks, Neffs, Bergers, Pickles, Remers, Rushes, and others."

p. 172: In the chapter entitled Settlers of Schooley's Mountain, " The Hollinshead Tract was surveyed to Joseph Hollinshead 24th July, 1755, and contained 807 acres. After passing through several hands it was conveyed in 1798 to Thomas Bowlsby and Christian Hoffman. By the latter 19 acres were sold in 1799 to Simon Culver, and 25 to Wm. Little: 61 to Jacob Teeple (the Read farm) in 1826,"

p. 273: Pain Brown's daughter, "Anna, m. Geo. Teeple."

p. 552: Jacob Fusler "m.a dau. of Lucas Teeple of Bedminster."

p. 636: I really must do more research into the Rev. John Albert Weygand. He called for funds and I have seen it written that this or that Teeple "signed Weygand's call." According the list posted here on p. 636, no Teeple signed his call. However, George Dipple did sign one list, either to build a barn or for a list of "Foxenburger" members. The way the names are lumped together in Early Germans makes it impossible to decide, or whether either of these lists was in response to a call by Rev. Weygand is also not clear. Anyone out there who knows more?