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       In June 2003, I acquired a letter (no envelope) written by Margaret Teeple in Illinois, dated 24 Feb 1865, to her "cousin" back in New Jersey, In this letter are a few clues to family. I'll give you the letter and clues and if you think you can see who the family might be, please contact me. The spelling and grammar are as I found them.

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White Hall. Feb 24th 1865

Dear Cousin,

I seat myself to write you a few lines to let you know I am well, hoping when this reaches you that you may be the same, I saw Mr. Williamson a few days since he told me you wished me to write to you so I thought I would do so wheather I had any thing of interest to write or not, we have had a very pleasant winter here having had but very little snow and not a great deal of cold weather, it has been quite sickly here this winter and the sick ness has been quite fatal, the Diphtheria has prevailed to some extent though not so bad here as in many other places I believe, Marthas family are all well her oldest son has gone to the army, Martha has 6 children, 3 girls and 3 boys.

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Bryans family are all well except little Charles. the one next the baby, he is quite sick, Bryan has 8 children 5 boys and 3 girls, sister Maria is well and looking as well as I ever saw her, I should like to see you and all the rest of my friends very much, although I have never seen some of them, and was to small when I came from there to remember those I have seen, yet they are all very dear to me, I should like to be out there this spring and take a ramble with you over the dear old hills and see how the place of my nativity looks and walk again over the haunts of my childhood, and go with you to Somerville to see aunt Rachel and all the rest of our folks, i think some of coming out there next fall if nothing happens to prevent me and then I have promised my

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myself a good time if I come I itend to see all, my friends if there should be so many it would take one whole year to get round, I presume they are not so numerous as that, but at any rate the more the merier, I want you to write to me and tell me all the news you can think of, please tell Uncle Peter if you see him soon to write to me tell him I should like to see him very much, give my love to your Mother, and Aunt Rachel and tell them to write soon, and I will write to them, give my love to Sarah, and Margaret tell uncle Peter to send me his Photograph and you must be shure and send me yours, I should like to have it very much, I bilieve I have no more to write this time, please write as soon as you receive this give my love to all and

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dont forget to answer this as soon as possible. I remain as ever your affectionate cousin, Margaret Teeple


1. Four siblings: In a family history, it was said that Bryant was 11 years old when the family moved to Illinois. They lived out their lives in Greene Co. IL.

     a. Bryant C. Teeple, born 1817 in Somerville NJ, married Mahalath Smalling 1844.
     b. Martha Teeple, born 5 Jun 1820 NJ, married Robert Close 1 Aug 1849 as his second wife.
     c. Margaret Teeple, born 1822, married Elias Baldwin, 1870.
     d. Maria Teeple, born 1823, never married.

2. There are hints about the elders of these siblings from Greene Co census records.

a. There is a George Teeple in the 1840 census between 70 and 80, living with a male and female both between 20 and 30, and 2 females between 15 and 20.
source: 1840 census, Greene Co IL, Rawlings Precinct
Comment: The children's ages match those of the 4 siblings. Who was George to them?

b. In 1850, Catherine Teple was living in N. Apple Creek, Greene Co IL. She was 68, born NJ. With her were Mariah Teeple 22 and Margaret Teeple 20 both born NJ.
source: 1850 census, Greene Co IL, N. Apple Creek, p. 124B
Comment: By 1850, both Bryant and Martha were married. So, where was Catherine in the 1840 census? Who is she to the girls?

3. There are clues in Margaret's letter to relatives back in New Jersey.

a. "I saw Mr. Williamson a few days ago since he told me you wished me to write to you . . ."
b. "I would like . . . to go with you to Somerville to see aunt Rachel and all the rest of our folks . . ."
c. "please tell Uncle Peter if you see him soon to write to me . . ."
d. "give my love to your Mother, and Aunt Rachel . . ."
e. "give my love to Sarah, and Margaret . . ."
f. "tell uncle Peter to send me his Photograph . . ."